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ًWorkShop on Basics on medical analysis

The Department of Botany organized a workshop for students of the program from 4-8 October 2020 on the basics of medical analyzes under the supervision of Prof. Amal Hamed El-Naggar, Head of the Department, and Prof. Saly Gheda, Program Coordinator, this work shop in cooperation with Sigma Labs

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Workshop "The Basics of Safety and Health"

Section of Plant and Micropiology, Faculty of Science, Tanta University on Saturday (March 272) organized a workshop on the title "The Basics of Safety and Health" for the fourth levels of the biotechnology program under the auspices and supervision of Prof. Dr. Tarek Mustafa Mohammed Dean and Professor Dr. Ahmed Azim Al Sibai Agent for Education, Students and Professor Happy Dr. Happy Mohamed Amer, the head of the plant and microbiologist and in coordination with Dr. Sally Farouk Guida Coordinator

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A scientific visit to the Institute of Genetics

فى ظل التعاون المثمر بين كليه العلوم جامعه طنطا والمعاهد البحثيه المتخصصه لتفعيل منظومه ضمان الجوده بالكليه. *** نظم قسم النبات والميكروبيولوجى برعايه ا.د. احمد عبد العظيم السباعى عميد الكليه و تحت إشراف ا.د. امل حامد النجار رئيس القسم وبتنسيق ا.د. سالى غيده منسق برنامج التقنيه الحيويه الصناعيه... زياره علميه لطلاب البرنامج إلى معهد الهندسه الوراثيه والتكنولوجيا الحيويه جامعه مدينه السادات

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Visit to the center of cancer research

Biotech students visited the center of excellence for cancer research at the University of Tanta International Educational Hospital under the supervision of Prof. Mohamed Labib Salem Professor of immunity at Faculty of Science, Tanta University and Director of Excellence Center ... To identify the operation and uses of modern Biotechnology devices located in the center to maximize the scientific advocacy for students ..

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